GTC participation in World Police Summit in Dubai
Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA) participated in World Police Summit and talked about our mine detection dogs and K9 health
Taking place on the 17th of March 2022 in Dubai, the World Police Summit´s K9 Conference is a unique gathering of canine experts from law enforcement agencies around the globe with the aim to explore and demonstrate innovative canine training methodologies. Properly trained police dogs can search 50 times faster than a human, thanks to over 300 million olfactory receptors that can sense a wide array of smells. These impressive traits coupled with well-trained K9 handlers are helping various organizations detect explosives, mines, and maintain public security.
Kenan Muftic, Head of the NPA Global Training Centre (GTC) in Sarajevo, held a presentation on how to manage health and wellness of K9 units. Mine detection dogs are a key component in the overall operational toolbox for Mine Action. These dogs have a value-added dimension offering detection capabilities for explosive ordnance contamination that other means of detection are ineffective against. But complex tasks often impact the health and wellbeing of canine units affecting thus their behavior and performance in the field.
During his speech, Kenan Muftic spoke about how can canine handlers remain cautious of the health and wellness of canine units employed in the field, and what novel medical interventions are available to support the rehabilitation of working dogs following accidents. The GTC was established in 2003 with the aim to provide high-quality mine detection dogs trained to a unified standard for NPA Mine Action Programmes. Since its foundation, GTC has been engaged in supporting Mine Action Programmes in 25 countries.
We would also like to thank the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian cooperative Coop Norge SA for supporting GTC with funds!