Mine Action and Disarmament
The humanitarian impact of the ongoing conflict and the extensive use of explosive weapons in populated areas in Ukraine has been unparalleled in Europe since the Second World War.
Development Cooperation
Development and Humanitarian Cooperation in Ukraine
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The Silent Victim of the War in Ukraine
In a new report, "Assessing Environmental Degradation in Southern Ukraine," Norwegian People's Aid, in collaboration with the Conflict and Environment Observatory (CEOBS), reveals the extensive environmental damage caused by the ongoing conflict.

NPA condemns U.S. latest decision to transfer antipersonnel landmines and cluster munitions to Ukraine
Yesterday, the U.S. announced the 2nd transfer of antipersonnel landmines and what seems like the 8th transfer of cluster munition to Ukraine.

American transfer of anti-personnel mines to Ukraine is illegal and must be reversed
The US decision to transfer internationally banned anti-personnel mines to Ukraine does not only go against its own U.S. Anti-Personnel Landmine Policy, but is a desperate measure pushing Ukraine to breach international law. States and militaries know full well the lack of military utility and grave humanitarian impacts of antipersonnel mines.

Tender request for Personal Protection Equipment
Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) Mine Action and Disarmament programme in Ukraine invites bids1 from interested eligible2 bidders for the supply of Personal Protection Equipment

Use of Full Mine Action Toolbox Leads to Major Increase in Operational Efficiency and Results in Ukraine
The increased productivity that was demonstrated by the teams, while employing all mine action tools, is very promising for NPA’s outlook going forward.

NPA Ukraine Conducts Pilot Project with Safe Pro AI for Automated Processing of Drone Imagery
NPA Ukraine started a pilot project with Safe Pro AI, a company that aims to utilise drones and artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the detection of landmines and unexploded ordnance.

Reclaiming Land and Livelihoods in Liubomyrivka Village
NPA Ukraine will be completing its first clearance tasks soon, benefitting farmers in Liubomyrivka.

Responding to the Largest Humanitarian Crisis in Europe Since World War II
Launching Norwegian People’s Aid's (NPA's) Mine Action Programme in Ukraine

Playtime near deadly explosives
Even though Russian soldiers have withdrawn from the village, it does not feel safe for Nastya and the other children in Lych, Ukraine. Mines and explosives hidden in the ground make playing outdoors life-threatening.

14 Mine-Detection Dogs have arrived in the Ukraine
14 fully-trained mine-detection dogs have now arrived at the Norwegian People’s Aid’s dog-training center in Romney, Sumy Oblast. Their operational mine-action work will commence once authorizations are provided by Ukrainian authorities.