
Norwegian People's Aid support Syrian civil society actors’ engagement in local peace, dialogue and reconciliation efforts, and provide humanitarian relief and protection to affected populations.
NPA has been present in Syria since 2012 and developed a solid network of local partners. Together with our local partners we stimulate local food production by providing agricultural and livestock inputs, and distribute food aid or multi-purpose cash assistance when acute crises occur. NPA and partners also contribute to protect women against gender-based violence and abuse.
In neighboring Lebanon, NPA provides relief to Syrian and Palestinian refugees from Syria and affected host community members.
Fast facts
- The Syrian conflict causes the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today
- 6.2 million are internally displaced.
- 5.3 million are registered refugees in neighboring countries
- 13 million are considered as People in Need
- 10.2 million live in the 1,980 communities reporting explosive hazard contamination
- GBV is pervasive in the lives of women and girls