Completion of Non-Technical Survey of Galdogob District, Puntland, Somalia
On 8 November 2022, NPA Somalia's Programme Country Director Mr Robert Iga Afedra handed over Non-Technical Survey (NTS) completion reports for Galdogob District, Puntland State, to the Director of the Somalia Explosives Management Authority (SEMA) Puntland Office, Mr Mohamed Musse Jama. SEMA is the national institution coordinating and overseeing the activities of the mine action sector in Somalia at the Federal and State level.

Galdogob district has an area of approximately 2,240 km² with a projected population of 115,009.
Non-technical survey is typically the starting point for the assessment of land, its categorization as a suspected or confirmed hazardous area (SHA/CHA), and the associated processes of cancellingland for productive use. It involves a thorough investigation of new information about possible Explosive Ordnance (EO) contamination, or a previously recorded hazardous area, generally without the use of mine action assets inside the suspected area.
The handover was witnessed by the Director General of the Puntland Ministry of Security, Mr Mohamed Iman, who expressed his gratitude for the support of NPA in the ongoing NTS activities.
"This is the first time we are beginning to see the true extent of mine contamination in mine-affected communities of Puntland State. And we are grateful to NPA for these efforts".
NPA has been conducting a state-wide survey of Puntland, which started in January 2022 and aims to be completed by March 2023. The completion of NTS will ensure that Puntland state clearly understands its remaining landmine contamination, which is critical for future clearance activities. NTS has been completed in the key districts of Burtinle and Galdogob, identifying 137 hazardous areas measuring 6.4 Km2, and identifying 54,495 direct and indirect beneficiaries.
NPA remains committed to completing the NTS of Puntland state, which is also instrumental for Somalia's Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty (APMBT) obligations.