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Ex combatant aims to become a teacher

Thinking about social reincorporation may bring different associations. On one hand, it is intrinsically attached to conflict, alienation, and social wounds. On the other hand, however, it opens up a door to new beginnings, reinvention and why not, hope.

Skjermbilde 2020 01 29 kl 11 43 52

In mine action, there are different tasks people can perform. Among them, we find: the non-technical survey, which consists in collecting information in order to know what areas could be contaminated; the technical survey, the process by which a team of experts intervene an area in order to determine the presence of mines or other explosive artifacts; demining, the actual task of removing landmines; and information management, which consists in capturing, processing and analyzing information in order to document demining operations.

Nana is excelling at her information management trainings, and although she is happy to learn about everything else, if she got to choose, she would focus on that.In order to perform information management, people need to be good with field tools, such as GPS, compass, and rangefinder. These allow them to collect information on the field, which will be imported into maps later on. This means that people also need to like office work in order to process that information using Google Earth, ArcGis, and Microsoft Office to create reports.

Nana has proven herself excellent in all of those tasks. Additionally, she has a big drive to be creative.For her, receiving information about new things equals learning, and she’s passionate about that.

“Thank you Humanicemos for allowing me to reach my dreams and build a new future.” That is what Nana says when telling her story.

Francis Gonzales 8