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In 2020, NPA Lebanon marked a significant milestone: the launching of a Non-Technical Survey (NTS) capacity in its Mine Action programme.

231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 1
Rachana Atmeh preparing the Cancellation Form for an area with no evidence of contamination
231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 5
The sub-munition was found behind the water hose
231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 3
Mariam's roof is partly re-plastered and partly destroyed from the cluster munition strike near her house
231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 2
Mariam's metal door still holds evidence of the cluster munition strike near her house
231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 7
Local fisherman entering the suspected hazardous area on daily basis
231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 9
Zibqine Valley
231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 10
The sub-munition between the rocks in the valley
231 NTS Commences in South Lebanon 11
A young girl and her mother milking goats in front of an area that was confirmed hazardous and recommended for mechanical clearance.
Donors of the NTS Project