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On Wednesday morning, 22 January 2025, a Norwegian Parliamentary (Stortinget) delegation led by Ms. Aslaug Sem-Jacobsen, leader of the Asia’s delegation of the Norwegian Parliament paid a visit to NPA Vietnam’s operations site in Phong Dien township, Hue city. Accompanying the delegation were the Norwegian Ambassador to Vietnam, Ms. Hilde Solbakken, and Members of Parliament representing various political parties in Norway.

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Group photo of the Norwegian Parliamentary (Stortinget) delegation with NPA Vietnam and Hue local authorities (Hue, 22 Jan 2025)
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Welcoming speech by Mr. Aubrey Miles Sutherland – NPA Vietnam Country Director (Hue, 22 Jan 2025)
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NPA Vietnam’s operations procedure brief in mine action by Hue PPM Do Thanh Nhan (Hue, 22 Jan 2025)
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Ms. Aslaug Sem-Jacobsen, leader of the Asia’s delegation of the Norwegian Parliament filling in the Visitor Log - a mandatory requirement for visitors to the NPA Vietnam site (Hue, 22 Jan 2025)
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The delegate members were introduced to the details of the explosive ordnance the team found and prepare for in-situ demolition. (Hue, 22 Jan 2025)
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Mr. Huynh Tien Dat – Chairman of HueFO, shared his assessment of NPA's activities in his role as an NPA partner in Hue over the past 15 years (Hue, 22 Jan 2025)
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Ms. Aslaug Sem-Jacobsen sharing her thoughts on the activities implemented by NPA Vietnam (Hue, 22 Jan 2025)