Panel Discussion on Incendiary Weapons and White Phosphorus
12 December 12:00 -13:00 CET

In a world where conflicts are becoming more frequent and more violent, the use of incendiary weapons and particularly white phosphorus has raised questions around their military utility, harm to civilians and the environment, and legal regulations.
The panel discussion will aim to take stock of the global conflict trends, existing legal frameworks, military utility of incendiary weapons and white phosphorus munitions, and finally the protection of civilians and environment when it comes to the use and post-conflict effects of these weapons.
The panelists will examine whether the existing regulations and humanitarian disarmament norms are sufficient, or whether we need stricter rules and a comprehensive ban on incendiary weapons, including a ban on white phosphorus munitions, addressing potential prospects and challenges.
- Nicholas Marsh, Senior Researcher, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
- Cecilie Hellestveit, IHL Expert, Norwegian Academy of International Law
- Kristin Obrestad, Senior Environment Advisor, NPA
- Kristina Duric, Senior Policy Advisor, NPA